Welcome to Bais Haknesses Ohr Hachaim
Under the leadership of Rabbi Y. Zvi Weiss, our Shul is proud to offer warm and inspiring services, learning opportunities and programming for the entire family in a convenient location on the corner of Clarks & Fallstaff.
Our numerous minyanim throughout the week accommodate all schedules and sterling Baalei Tefillah have earned a reputation for beautiful and well-balanced Shabbos davening. Click here to view our current 6-month schedule for the most up-to-date davening times.
We offer nightly shiurim and chaburas, multiple Daf Yomi shiurim and informal gatherings such as Chat & Cholent at the Rav's house at 10PM on Thursday nights. Check out the different opportunities to infuse your day with learning and growth, or request a chavrusa for any topic or schedule.
The active Sisterhood and growing youth division have provided engaging events for the entire family. Stop by our Chanukah and Purim parties, women's events and Shabbos groups to make new friends and celebrate special times.
Whether a new face or longtime member, we would welcome you in person.
See you in Shul,
The Ohr Hachaim Board of Officers
Fast Days: Please click the button above for accurate zmanim.
Today's Calendar
Shacharis : 7:30am |
Shacharis : 8:20am |
Shacharis : 9:00am |
Mincha : 1:50pm |
Mincha : 3:00pm |
Mincha/Maariv : 8:15pm |
Maariv : 9:45pm |
Friday Night
Candle Lighting : 8:11pm |
Shabbos Day
Shacharis : 7:00am |
Shacharis : 9:00am |
Havdalah : 9:19pm |
Fast of Tammuz
Tuesday, Jul 23 |
Sat, October 12 2024
10 Tishrei 5785
Please note these times are for regular weekday minyanim only, not holidays or fast days. Please see special schedules here for irregular zmanim.
Today's Calendar
Shacharis : 7:30am |
Shacharis : 8:20am |
Shacharis : 9:00am |
Mincha : 1:50pm |
Mincha : 3:00pm |
Mincha/Maariv : 8:15pm |
Maariv : 9:45pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshas Balak
Shabbos, Jul 20 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Jul 19, 8:11pm |
Motzei Shabbos, Jul 20, 9:19pm |
Fast of Tammuz
Tuesday, Jul 23 |
Today's Zmanim
Alos Hashachar | 5:55am |
Earliest Tallis | 6:26am |
Netz (Sunrise) | 7:14am |
Latest Shema | 10:03am |
Zman Tefillah | 11:00am |
Chatzos (Midday) | 12:53pm |
Mincha Gedola | 1:21pm |
Mincha Ketana | 4:10pm |
Plag HaMincha | 5:21pm |
Shkiah (Sunset) | 6:31pm |
Havdalah | 7:21pm |
Tzais Hakochavim | 7:11pm |
More >> |
Weekly Bulletin
Click HERE to view our weekly bulletin.
Six Month Schedule
Click HERE to view our 6 month zmanim schedule.
Kashrus Inquiries
For Questions Regarding Kosher Food/Establishments That Are Under Rabbi Weiss's Supervision, Please Email Rabbi Weiss at kosherme@gmail.com
Have Something You want to Share in Our Shul Bulletin?
If you have a Mazel Tov or something you would like to be included in the weekly bulletin, CLICK HERE to let us know!
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