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Social Hall Rental

Bais Haknesses Ohr HaChaim's social hall is available to rent for all celebrations, family events, community groups or gathering. 

Capacity: Our Social Hall holds up to 250 people for a seated meal and up to 400 for a standing event. The room can be configured for a variety of events and styles, from buffet meals and waiter service to lectures, engagement parties and more.

Food: Lessees may bring food from any pre-approved certified Kosher caterer or food establishment.

Included Items: The rental includes the use of Ohr Hachaim's tables, chairs, meat kitchen with ample warmers, refrigerators and freezers, appliances such as crock pots and hot plates, and a beis medrash with limited capacity for private minyanim.

  • 17 5' Round Tables
  • 8 8' Rectangle Tables
  • 100 Chairs

Exclusions: The rental is for the use of the premises only; all food, staffing, setup and decor is not included. Many baalei simcha have chosen to rent additional chairs which local vendors deliver upstairs.

Fee: The rental fee is $350 for a weekday booking, and $400 for Shabbos, including Friday night and Motzei Shabbos. ​​​​​​

**Ohr Hachaim members of all tiers are entitled to a $50 discount on all bookings.**

To Book the Hall: Please fill out the form below to make a reservation, and our office will be in touch to answer any questions. Bookings are confirmed once payment in full is received. 


Sun, February 16 2025 18 Shevat 5785